Duck Wars: How to get rewards for battles

Duck Wars is a game in which you fight others with the support of a jeduck of the collective farm you choose. Battles are free for players.

Duck owners can choose a collective farm on which behalf their ducks will serve as jeducks (mentors in fights).

For winning a battle, the fighter player and the owner of the jeduck are rewarded with a vEGG token that can be spent on most in-game purchases.

Duck Wars rules

How to fight

How to send your duck to Duck Wars

How to upgrade mantle

Duck Wars rules

  • Each lap goes 24 hours, a lap restarts at 13 UTC. The prize pool is split equally the battle winners.

  • The player chooses a collective farm to fight for throughout the lap.

  • In each battle, the player chooses a jeduck that fights for the same farm. Other players cannot choose that duck until the battle is over.

  • The player and the owner of the jeduck receive vEGG for wins. There is no penalty for losing.

  • Each force level of the jeduck's mantle increases the reward for winning the battle both for the jeduck and for the fighter.

  • Accrued rewards are automatically sent to participants once a day.

  • The jeduck’s gene set, generation, and achievements determine the set of cards with fighting techniques available to the player in the battle. 💡 See Duck Wars: Fighting Cards.

  • The rarity of the jeduck affects the damage done to the opponent:

    • rarity from 12.5% to 37.5% increases damage by 12.5%

    • rarity from 37.5% to 62.5% increases damage by 25%

    • rarity from 62.5% to 87.5% increases damage by 37.5%

    • rarity over 87.5% increases damage by 50%

  • If the jeduck has an achievement and rarity of 37.9% or less, the player is still able to specify one defense point if the selected card provides no defense points.

  • If the jeduck has an achievement, when selecting a card with heal (yourself or the opponent) or self damage, HP depending on the jeduck rarity are added to the HP indicated on the card:

    • rarity from 0% to 25% gives +4 HP

    • 25% to 50% gives +3 HP

    • 50% to 75% gives +2 HP

    • over 75% gives +1 HP

  • The fighter who first brings his opponent's health to 0 wins the battle. In case of a tie, the fighter with the smaller serial number of the jeduck wins.

How to fight

  1. Log in to Waves Ducks. How to log in

  2. Go to the Play to Earn page

  3. Sign a message to verify that the account belongs to you. This is not a transaction on the blockchain, so there is no fee.

  4. Choose a collective farm you want to fight for. You can change the selected collective farm every 24 hours at the start of a new lap. Or just tick the Automatically join to this collective farm in the next lap checkbox if you do not plan to change anything.

  5. During the battle:

    • Explore the abilities of the proposed cards and choose one of them.

    • Remember that time for each turn is limited.

Good luck in battle!

How to send your duck to Duck Wars

You will need

  • Any duck, except those that are already used in games or listed on a sale.

  • 0.01 EGG or vEGG to exchange for a mantle.

  • WAVES to pay transaction fees on the blockchain.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Log in to Waves Ducks. How to log in

  2. Go to the My Ducks → Items tab.

  3. If you don't have a mantle yet, click Buy a mantle and sign the transaction. The mantle will appear on the Items tab.

  4. Select the duck to put the mantle on. Sign the transaction. The duck will be sent to Duck Wars.

  5. Go to the Play to Earn page.

  6. Choose the collective farm your ducks will fight for.

You can change the selected collective farm every 24 hours at the start of a new lap. Or just tick the Automatically join to this collective farm in the next lap checkbox if you do not plan to change anything.

What you will get

Done! Now the fighters of your collective farm can choose your jeduck for battles (you can choose it yourself as well).

You will receive share tokens of the collective farm for all the fights won with the aid of your jeduck. Shared tokens are automatically transferred to you daily. You can see the statistics of matches, wins, and rewards on the Play to Earn page on the Statistics tab.

💡 Hint. Upgrade the mantle to increase your rewards for battles.

How to upgrade mantle

Each force level of the jeduck mantle increases the reward for winning a battle: both for the jeduck and for the fighter — so players are more likely to choose mentors with a higher mantle level.

If you decide to take a duck from Duck Wars, the mantle level will be saved; you can then put the mantle on another duck.

You will need

  • From 0.03 to 45.65 EGG to upgrade a mantle.

  • WAVES to pay transaction fees on the blockchain.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Go to the My farms → In Duck Wars.

What you will get

💡 Hint: increase your rewards for playing Duck Wars with daily and weekly tasks!

The mantle level is calculated by this formula:

Here x is the amount of EGG spent for the upgrade. For instance, by spending just 1 EGG you can increase your jeduck rewards by a factor of 11

Last updated