Everything about ducks

Duck is a unique token (NFT) on the Waves blockchain.

Genesis duck is a duck obtained from an incubator.

Bred duck is a duck produced by breeding.

🏆 Jackpot is an extraordinary duck with a fixed rarity of 100%.

🔥 Phoenix is one of the jackpot ducks. You can get a phoenix only as a result of rebirth.



Background Color Rarity

Ability to breed


Jackpot Ducks


The genotype of a duck determines its appearance and includes 8 genes. Each gene is responsible for one of the attributes: hair, eyebrows, eyes, beak, body, left wing, right wing, and tail.

Source: https://twitter.com/CryptoMax99/status/1400217666888032261/photo/1

Genesis ducks have the following genes:


BBBBBBBB - Satoshi


DDDDDDDD - Bogdanoff




HHHHHHHH — El Risitas

IIIIIIII — Druck (likes)

IIIIIIII — Druck (dislikes)

KKKKKKKK — Drama Queen


MMMMMMMM — Cough Duck

NNNNNNNN — Vibing Duck

OOOOOOOO — Brokie Duck

Each attribute is inherited with a 50% probability either from the first or the second parent when you breed ducks. So, for example, the MLBBCKKD duck got hair from Cough Duck, eyebrows from Ō Sensei, eyes and beak from Satoshi, etc.

👉 Druck has two images: «likes» or «dislikes». Which one you get depends on the token ID. The offspring duck image also depends only on its ID and does not depend on the image of the parent duck.

Artefacts can add special genes to the duck genotype:

  • “Pompadour” replaces the first gene (“hair”) with S.

  • “X-mas Hat” replaces the first gene with a T.

Special genes cannot be inherited because these artefacts only apply to sterile ducks. In addition, artefacts cannot be used on Genesis ducks and jackpots.

The full version of the genotype also includes letters of generation and background color:


Ducks from the incubator belong to generation G – Genesis. Breeding produces ducks of the following generations:

H – Hero

I – Ideal

K – Knight

L – Lord

M – Magical

N – Natural

O – Obstinate

A bred duck belongs to the generation following the generation of the youngest parent:

Genesis + Genesis = Hero

Hero + Hero or Genesis = Ideal

Ideal + Ideal, or Hero, or Genesis = Knight

Knight + Knight, or Ideal, or Hero, or Genesis = Lord


The youngest generation duck (now Obstinate) cannot breed.

Background color

A new duck’s background color is determined randomly:

R – red

Y – yellow

G – green

B – blue

To farm eggs, a duck should be put on a perch of a matching color.


Rarity of a duck is an indicator of its uniqueness. The rarer a duck is, the more Waves Ducks EGGs it can bring in farming and the higher its value in the marketplace.

The duck’s rarity depends on its genotype and is calculated by this formula:


  • R is the duck’s rarity,

  • N is the number of ducks of the same generation, with the same genes, excluding their order. The background color of the duck is not taken into account.

For example, for the Hero generation duck with a genotype of KKKLLLLL, the number of Hero ducks with 3 K genes and 5 L genes in any order is counted. This category also includes ducks of LLLLLKKK, LLKKLKLL, and others. If there are only 25 such ducks, the rarity of the new duck is ⅕, which is 20%.

The rarity of a duck may change if a duck of the same generation with the same proportion of genes appears in the game.

Ability to breed

Each duck can originally breed. Duck can be used for breeding only once, after that it becomes “sterile.”

The ability of a duck to breed does not affect its productivity in farming but increases its potential value in the marketplace to the players who are looking for a duck to breed.


Achievement is a distinctive fact of the duck's biography, which makes it more precious.


One of the first 50 genesis ducks its type

Last train

One of the last 10 genesis ducks its type

Billionaire Boys Club

Was sold for more than 1000 WAVES

Anniversary duck

100th, 200th, etc. duck overall

Colored anniversary

100th, 200th, etc. duck of its color

High Five!

One of the first five ducks with 3-4-5-6-7-8 genes

Rarity destroyer

Appeared with reducing someone's 100% duck rarity

One step from Jackpot

A duck right before and after Jackpot

DNA Guard

Didn't convey any genes to its child

The First Duck Ever

Primus inter pares

The first duck of its genotype

Generation opener

The first duck of its whole generation


Duck raised from duckling

Born on Xmas 2021

Born between 24/12/21 12:00 and 25/12/21 23:59

Born on Valentine 2022

Born between 14/02/22 00:01 and 14/02/22 23:59

Jackpot ducks

🏆 Jackpot is an extraordinary duck with a fixed rarity of 100%. There may be several similar jackpots, but the rarity of each one is still 100%.

🔥 Phoenix is one of the jackpot ducks. You can get a phoenix only as a result of rebirth.

Other jackpot ducks may appear from the incubator (very rare!).

Features of jackpot ducks:

  • Jackpot ducks cannot breed and cannot appear as a result of breeding. The letter of generation for jackpot ducks is J which means Jackpot.

  • The letter of background color for jackpot ducks is U which means Universal. So jackpot ducks can be put on a perch of any color.

  • Jackpot duck appearance is not directly related to the genotype.

Example jackpot ducks:


WWWWWWWP – Phoenix



Last updated